FreeDNS on pfSense

Once you signed up for a FreeDNS account.  You’ll need to configure it on pfSense.  Its a bit weird.


In pfSense, go to Services and DynDns.

In there, choose FreeDNS.

Only fields you need to input in are “HOSTNAME” and “Password”

Hostname =

Password =   This is the “direct url” in your account in FreeDNS.  In your FreeDNS account, over to the left click DynamicDNS, then down near the bottom where you see your ddns name, click Direct URL.  It will give you a blank page, in the URL there is a long string after the ? in the URL.

For example
this is what you want to paste in the password field in pf: dfgdsgfsdjk689GYUIFdfg

Then click save.  Should be good.



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3 Responses to “FreeDNS on pfSense”

  1. steviep Says:

    Thank you for this. Most other places are instructing us to paste the string in the Hostname field which is wrong! So thanks a lot for the clear explanation.

  2. Bill Talcott Says:

    Thank you much! I was about ready to look for another service. It’s working now.

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